[선물] 나스닥 종합 IXIC / Nasdaq composite IXIC

NASDAQ Composite Index
I charted the previous rising wedge (White lines) from March to show how there was a 15% correction the wedge top until it found support at 12397.
Now here we are with our current rising wedge (Yellow lines). If you calculate from our 15,400 high a 15% correction you'll come up with some support around 13,000 which would be my target once wedge support is broke .. But first we have to break wedge support at around 14,212.. As you can see that not only is there wedge support there but it also shows some strong horizontal support.
Let's see what happens.
Now here we are with our current rising wedge (Yellow lines). If you calculate from our 15,400 high a 15% correction you'll come up with some support around 13,000 which would be my target once wedge support is broke .. But first we have to break wedge support at around 14,212.. As you can see that not only is there wedge support there but it also shows some strong horizontal support.
Let's see what happens.
나스닥 종합 지수
나는 어떻게 웨지 탑이 12397에서 지지대를 찾을 때까지 15%의 보정이 있었는지를 보여주기 위해 3월부터 이전의 상승 웨지 (흰색 선) 도표를 작성했다.
이제 현재 상승 웨지(노란색 선)를 보여드리겠습니다. 만약 당신이 우리측의 15,400고지에서 15%의 수정률을 계산한다면, 당신은 약 13,000의 지지를 얻을 수 있을 것이며, 이것은 일단 웨지 지지대가 고장나면 나의 목표가 될 것이다. 하지만 먼저 약 14,212의 웨지 지지대를 깨야 합니다. 보시다시피 쐐기 지지대가 있을 뿐만 아니라 수평 지지대도 강합니다.
어떻게 되나 보자.
원문링크: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/IXIC/YPCbDgA2-Nasdaq-composite-IXIC/
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